Thank you for the entry on a working day for many, I was happy with the overall quality of my exhibits particularly Limit and Open classes. Also thanks to my stewards David and Mary and to the Darlington committee for my first time CC appointment.
I looked back at my foreword from my last breed appointment and I have to say the same applies even as this level. I found the quality stronger in the bitch classes then the dogs, the standard of grooming was high but the amount of chalk used was excessive, my trousers demonstrated that. Jaws need to be looked at on many levels not just with regards to the lack of width but with regards to hygiene. Too many dogs had bad breath, sore or aggravated gums due to a build-up of debris including large tuffs of fur! Eyes on the whole were large and clear, but I observed a few lashes that could be easily plucked and some lacking a well-fitting eye conformation. The most noticeable observation was the backwards step we seem to have taken with the importance of tails, I would expect to still see this as a necessity in any of the younger dogs being shown and this was taken into consideration with respect to my placings. VD NO ENTRIES MPD (7 Entries) Abs: 2 1st: PAUL Mrs V & Mr F Blondello Charles Xavier, ticked white male. Large skull which was broad and flat, well set rosed ears. Wide foreface and rounded cheeks. Good length of neck, acceptable topline to ok tail. Strong pigment throughout. Well boned, strong forearms. Sufficient brisket for age. Won class on strength of head. Moved soundly. 2nd: SAXON Mr & Mrs A T & S L Bagibeli Billy Ray, appealing r/w male. Lovely outline providing a clean profile, good length of neck finished with a good tail. Head to develop with maturity but clean with large dark clear eyes, big nose and good turn of jaw with tidy neat rosed ears. Good bone and developed chest, sound on the move. 3rd: STANLEY , Mrs L & STANLEY Miss C Mellowmood Offspring At Waffelin PD (10 Entries) Abs: 2 1st: THOMAS Mr & Miss L Seehurst's Redemption Man, this boy is well up to size with a magnificent head piece. Won the class and BPD on strength of head. Large but not coarse, broad flat skull, neat rosed ears, well-fitting dark clear eyes, big black nose, great pigment in muzzle, wide foreface underpinned by an equally wide jaw. Super turn and fit of jaw. Strong well boned forearms, cobby but shapely body. Well-muscled in tone and condition. Moved soundly if lacking alittle energy. 2nd: MAXWELL, Mr G S & Mrs M L & PERKS Mrs A T Britishluxe Day O'reckoning, slightly different type to winner but equally appealing with many similar attributes. Classic head with great dark eyes particularly on a white headed red pied. Big black nose with good nostrils, sufficient bone, big rounded ribs giving a correct pear shape. Move with ease. 3rd: 1645 BELL Mr D J Pendlebrier Dragons Tears JD (6 Entries) Abs: 3 1st: TAKARANGI Mr & Mrs A & K Ruakuri Chasing Great, r/w male with real sour expression. Typical brick shaped skull on good length of neck. Clear dark eyes with great pigment, good turn of jaw. Strong bone to compact feet. Well sprung of rib, neat tuckup and topline. Finished with a superb low set straight tail. This boy covered the ground with ease and enthusiasm. 2nd: 1679 LEE Mrs E & Mr S Milasha Pompeii Mystyle, white male plainer in skull then winner but a true classic skull. Dark nicely sized eyes, great size nose with open nostrils. Neat rosed ears on a flat skull, good turn of jaw and well pigmented muzzle. Ok tail, moved well just would prefer more body given height/length ratio. 3rd: LIVINGSTONE Mr & Mrs J Ruakuri On The Road Again at Jacobella PGD (9 Entries) Abs: 5 1st: BRAGGER, Mr & HILL Mrs M Prideofbully Rembrandt, R/w has to be handled to be fully appreciated due to his asymmetrical shoulder markings. Another classic clean head with well rosed ears, well filled and rounded cheeks, clear eyes, well cushioned foreface with super big nose. Strong front with good bone and brisket. Good reach of neck to topline. Excelled in movement with well angulated rear. 2nd: DAVIES Mr N C Neibull The Governor, r/w Similar type to winner but overall a shade smaller in size. Another with a great nose and nostrils, good pigment, broad flat skull and correctly set ears. Moved well and sound but preferred outline of 1. LD (5 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: PARKER Mr S D & Mrs C E Albionpride A Kind Of Magic JW, F/W with really clean outlines and close knitted coat. Well boned forearms to neat feet that do turn out slightly, but this is noted as acceptable in the breed standard. Great length of neck carrying a large clean skull. Clear dark well fitted eyes, broken wrinkle over good nose. Small neat ears sat well in the skull. One of a few to have a grand width of jaw that was also well fitted and turned. Good rib, slightly longer over loin finished with sufficient tail. Rare to see natural width on the move with no paddling that was sound and true. Pushed hard for the CC but was awarded a more then deserved RCC. 2nd: MAXWELL, Mr G S & Mrs M L & PERKS Mrs A T Britishluxe The Houdini, white male I’ve judged this male before and liked him back in 2014! He’s certainly matured well keeping many of the attributes I admire. Quality head piece, brick shaped skull, with correct layback. Good width of jaw that’s also well fitted. Sufficient rib, good topline finished with a great tail. A little out of condition on his face and missing complete eye pigment but did more than enough for this award. 3rd: BANNISTER Mr A R & Mrs C L Andlare Everhard JW OD (3 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: ELLISON Miss V Ellsberry Heart And Soul At Maghullpaws, as soon as I placed my hand on his f/w dog I instantly liked his condition, he’s carrying zero excess fat but not lacking any body shape he has all the right curves in the right places, round rib and raise of topline, maintained on the move. He is well-covered but his condition is hard but not over muscled - in a word perfect! He is all male, powerful and compact. Large classic broad flat skull, small rosed ears, no excess wrinkle on a big black nose. Dark clear eyes, great width, turn and fit of jaw with correct straight dentition. Strong bone to neat feet, well developed chest, good depth of brisket. Another that walked his width well with a well-muscled and angulated rear. All this was enough to earn him the CC (I was notified his 3rd) and BOB. 2nd: MANDERS Mr & Mrs P Erimusbulls Mannion JW, r/w male that’s on a great path to success. Was unfortunate to meet 1 as was giving too much away in maturity in particularly muscle mass and overall body development. Broad flat skull, ears set well in skull. Big ribs, strong bone to need feet. Good topline to neat tail. Move sound and correctly. To me just a matter of time for bigger wins then today. Class 585 VB NO ENTRIES MPB (7 Entries) Abs: 3 1st: BANNISTER Mr A R & Mrs C L Andlare Goody Two Shoes, chunky r/w pied showing correct maturity for age. Beautiful front due to outstanding strong straight bone to compact neat feet with short nails. Well-developed chest for age, good length of neck with sufficient topline to great tail. Dark pigmented muzzle and eyes. Big black nose with open nostrils. Neat rosed ears set well. Moved well happy to award BPB & BPIB. 2nd: PAUL Mrs V & Mr F Blondello Raven Darkholme, pleasing compact fawn bitch. Classic skull with big dark appealing eyes, well sized nose and great fit and turn of jaw. Straight well boned forearms to compact feet. Sufficient tail and move well. 3rd: WESSON, Mr K & HALL Miss R L Karbecabull Rough Diamond PB (9 Entries) Abs: 4 1st: ROBERTS Mr Isgraig Iris, r/w girl of strong typical type from this kennel. Classic skull, super dark clear eyes, well pigmented muzzle and well sized nose with good nostrils. Strong jaw, wide and well fitting. Compact body shape, big ribs, short coupling to well-muscled rear. Moved well when settled. 2nd: GEORGE Miss A Avaword Mollie, r/w with great clarity and cleanliness of head. Flat skull, big open well set eyes, big nose nestled inbetween and with good turn of jaw. Appealing expression, and overall a well put together girl but very stout. Strong bone and shapely body however for me a shade small but moved well and soundly. 3rd: WILLIAMS Mr & Mrs Willsmere Matilda JB (7 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: BANNISTER Mr A R & Mrs C L Andlare This Is Kaboodle, I’ve admired this girl from ringside and she just keeps getting better with maturity. Feminine beautiful clear white headed bitch. Flat broad skull, well filled cheeks dark well set eyes and nicely sized nose with no heavy wrinkling. Good jaw in width, fit and turn. Suitable length of neck, to a shapely body. Strong forearms to tidy neat feet. Correct rise over loins to low set and sufficient tail. Moved with sound and with ease. Happy to award her RCC within strong competition. 2nd: HANLEY, Miss S E & HANLEY Mr S P Ragmarte Middle Earth, another feminine r/w girl shared many attributes to 1. Nice overall size, classic clean skull, enough bone for sex. Big ribs, good topline to low set tail. Moved well my preference is for her to be a little more toned. 3rd: LEE Mrs E & Mr S Milasha Gigi PGB (13 Entries) Abs: 4 1st: READ Mrs L Andlare Moonshine not much not to like about this R/w girl. Typical head with well-fitting dark eyes, well rounded cheeks, large enough nose and true jaw. Sufficient bone to small tidy feet. Short bodied with big ribs, correct raise of topline finish with straight tail. Moved soundly. 2nd: PEEBLES, Mr S & KIRKWOOD Mrs P Weebullz Shy Tot, heavier type to 1 but of nice size and shape. Good length of skull, clear dark eyes and sufficient sized nose, true jaw. Strong front with well boned forearms. Good rib, correct topline finished with sufficient tail. Moved well. 3rd: SIMPSON Mrs E Jackarhys Goodness Gracious LB (10 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: MARTIN Mr & Mrs R & LA Calibra Clementine JW, took my eye when I first saw her. She balances beauty, power and sourness not an easy feat for a female bulldog. Compact r/w with the most beautiful head piece. Well proportioned, good head size with large dark appealing clear eyes, well set big nose, good nostrils. She does haven’t excess cushioning meaning all her foreface is her jaw! The widest of jaws with super turn up and perfect fit of lip and flews - this girl is gracefully sour. Strong bone to neat feet, well laid shoulders. Short backed but not stuffy, good length of neck with correct curves to topline and tailset. Moved well and sound, I had no qualms on awarding her the CC, which I was unaware was also her 3rd and crowning & BOS. 2nd: AUSTIN Mrs K & Mr L Lekerry Le Hilda, very honest female that I found extremely appealing. Quality head piece with brick skull and big nose, great fitting jaw. Sufficient bone and shapely body, my preference would be for more depth of brisket and chest but she excelled in movement, well angulated rear, walking her width on the return. She pushed the RCC winner hard. 3rd: MORRIS Mrs M Cutie Mcpretty At Ragmarte OB (8 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: SAXON Mr & Mrs A T & S L Ch Bagibeli Queen Of Hearts, I’ve admired this girl from ringside and she didn’t disappoint. R/W pied more than worthy of her title. Lovely length of skull, neat thin ears, clear dark eyes, big black nose, great nostrils and muzzle with good fit and turn of jaw. Good length of neck, strong bone to tidy feet. Suitable length of body and correct topline tailset. My preference would be for her to carry a little more weight like I had seen her in the past, but she’s a quality girl and deserved this tough class. 2nd: HANLEY, Miss S E & HANLEY Mr S P Ch Sgribble Pip As Blenhiemstar , another girl I have judged February last year and the much still applies! Thankfully she hadn’t gone over in size which was previously my concern but she’s still compact and sturdy! Skull a little more worked then most but not coarse. Neat ears, well rounded cheeks and wide foreface, well cushioned but with the most turned up jaw of the day underneath them flews. Strong front well boned, good brisket and rounded ribs. Short bodied and smooth coated with good tail set, thighs a little beefy (I said this before). Moved well walking her width. 3rd: WILLIS Mr J Loksharp Showstopper East of England Ladies Kennel Society Open Show - 30th July 2017
French Bulldogs Puppy (7,3abs) 1. Kuredeux Don Dada, 7mth old brindle pied. Lovely clean silhouette displaying good length of neck and topline. Well put together which was shown on the move, sound with beautiful front movement to his natural square width. Good bone to compact feet and the shortest of nails. Giving away his maturity in his head but I’m sure all will come, dark round clear eyes, well sized nose and good jaw. Correct set and shaped ears which were used well. He was shown superbly and didn’t seem phased at all. Pleased to award him BP. 2. Feniton Fredrick at Raglenary, Br male. Only young but extremely naughty/lively! Appealing expression due to correct ears, dark eye and good width of muzzle. Coat in good condition which was well marked and finished with jet black nails. Moved sound but have no doubt showmanship will improved with age, but saw enough of him to place him 2nd. 3. Winuwuk Smart Lady of Casemates Junior (2,1abs) 1. Khanin Sovereign. Feminine lightweight fawn girl placed Res in Junior. Classic head that’s well worked but not heavy. Large dark appealing eyes, well rounded cheeks and strong jaw. I liked her overall size and body shape including topline and tuckup, deep brisket and good outline. Unfortunately she as favouring her rear on the move which cost her places in the Junior class. Graduate (2,1abs) 1. Barilballe Miracle of Life, beautiful brindle bitch with the most amazing quality coat, even and well-marked that was in great condition and glossy. I particularly liked her balance, super muscle tone giving great definition to her shape. Sufficient bone with straight forearms and dark nails, classic head flat between the ears which are well shaped and set. Dark clear eye with well-rounded cheeks that were used well, finished by a good fitting jaw. Good proportions all round with sound movement, won BOB on her front movement which was to her natural width. Pleased to hear she went Group 4. Post graduate (5,3abs) 1. Katakia One and Only JW, pied bitch with well-marked brindle. Compact with well sprung ribs and good topline. Enough bone throughout for sex, expressive head, good clear eye and rounded cheeks, would have liked a tad more width to muzzle to finish her head. Sound movement and happy to award her RBOB. 2. Jafrak Chief Suspect, larger brindle male. Clean outline but longer cast which sacrificed his topline. Masculine skull, dark clear eye, good width to jaw and correct ears. Strong bone, correct shoulders and deep chested. Showed ok but not handled to his advantage. Moved well and sound. Open (4,1abs) 1. Jafrak Chief Suspect - See 2nd Post Graduate 2. Come and Look at Me Katakia, another lovely brindle pied bitch from this kennel. Well-proportioned and of a compact size and shape. Classic head, large dark eye and good ears. Well-rounded rib, suitable topline with a well angulated rear. Unfortunately dropping on her front shoulder on the move which cost her the class. 3. Kahnin Sovereign Mini Schnauzer Junior (3, 0abs) 1. Starbound to Sleep to Dream, 10mth salt & pepper male, lots to like about this boy. Very smart and tidy due to quality of groom and condition of furnishings with correct wiry coat. Pleasing outline, sufficient head size for age, clean neck of good length. Dark eye and correctly fitting jaw. Overall good proportions with correct topline when static and moving, tailset high and held well. I particularly liked his parallel movement and ultimately won him BOB and BP. 2. Silversocks Say Yes to Gilsway, well-presented black & silver bitch. Smaller and finer to winner but of great type. Typical expression with correct ears. Well bodied with sufficient topline and correctly set tail. Moved sound and strong. 3. Buffingham Lady Pippa Post graduate (1,0abs) 1. Brumist Twice at Hot at Marnimica, well presented Salt & Pepper bitch of good proportions for size. Good use, set and shape of ear, dark eyes plus good length of skull with correct square jaw. A little beefy across the croup and would have preferred a high tail set. Moved well and soundly. Open (3, 1abs) 1. Marnimica Sorcerer, 7 yr old salt & pepper larger male and he pushed the Junior class winner hard! The widest of heads today but still maintaining good proportions all round. Correct neat V shaped ears, Good jaw for age, small dark eyes, good length of neck following to suitable topline. Moved sound and correctly, happy to award him RBOB. 2. Buffingham Lady Pippa, 8mth old black bitch. A real baby that has plenty of maturing and developing ahead. Well-handled for age and showing great temperament, her correct set and shaped tail didn’t stop wagging. |
AuthorWritten exclusively by Sara, a proud founder of the LaRoyal name and a seasoned bulldog enthusiast, our blogs are overflowing with an abundance of show wins, captivating ideas, and a plethora of thoughts and feelings. We are thrilled to embark on this journey, sharing our "real-life" dog ownership experiences with you, our valued readers. Archives
January 2025